Good Enough

Good Enough

Conceived and directed by: Andrejs Jarovojs
Choreography by: Kristīne Vismane
Performed by: Kristīne Vismane and Katrīna Albuže
Producer: Theatre Ģertrūdes ielas teātris
Premiere: 06/01/2013

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Questioning the possibility of an unambiguous message that must reach the spectator, the creators of "Good Enough" shed light on the paradoxes in the relationship between performers and the audience.

“… two actresses create such an interesting, focused conversation that one must listen to with all their being so as not to miss anything. Thrilling. It is a conversation about individually, about your right to be the way you are, about how hard it is to offer yourself to another person, to open up to them. It is also about the difficulties of conversing.” – director Māra Ķimele (Kultūrzīmes, “Latvijas Avīze”)

Latvian Theatre Awards “Spēlmaņu nakts 2012/2013” nominee for Achievement of the Year in Contemporary Dance.

Latvian Ministry of Welfare supports the European Social Fund project “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” No.